Universidade de São Paulo
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
Ciências Exatas e da Terra
Doutorado;Mestrado Acadêmico

The Graduate Program in Applied Mathematics at the Mathematics and Statistics Institute at the University of São Paulo (IME-USP) consists of an academic Masters and Doctorate. The goal of the program is to train researchers, professors and professionals in mathematics and its applications. The areas of expertise of the program’s faculty are: ordinary and partial differential equations, numerical analysis, dynamical systems, mathematical physics, bio-mathematics, scientific computing and graphics, control theory, mechanics, fluid mechanics (including geophysical flows) and financial mathematics.

The program offers post-graduation courses in both regular semesters and in the summer. In addition, the program benefits, by far, from graduate subjects offered by other departments of the Institute, namely: Mathematics, Statistics and Computing. Students also have an intense schedule of conferences and seminars organized by various research groups of the Institute.

CNPq and CAPES offer scholarships in limited numbers for students dedicated exclusively to the course. The program encourages and provides financial support for students to participate in scientific events.