Universidade de São Paulo
Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura;Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde
Doutorado;Mestrado Acadêmico

The PPGI-EA aims to train human resources in Applied Ecology, addressing issues regarding  ecosystems structure and functioning, relations between society and environment, and management and conservation of natural and human-altered landscapes. Its graduates are able to work in various segments of the market, including private companies, NGOs, research institutes and institutions of environmental regulation, high school and universities. To develop the necessary skills, their training incorporates sustainability issues, including social, economic and environmental aspects, in order to allow devising new paradigms to face the challenges of this millennium. These skills are strongly based on a systemic and interdisciplinary approach.

The PPG-EA has a high and consistent scientific production, with strong international participation. Its scientific, technical and artistic productions reaches the mark of 8.490  publications and 6 prizes. The research activities are subsidized by national and international collaborative projects funded by Brazilian and foreign agencies.

The PPGI-EA has agreements with the Universities of New Lisbon, Tulane and Autonomous of Barcelona and a steady flux of foreign visitors professors (Argentina, Portugal, Spain, France, United States, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, England and Mexico) which take part in examination boards, teach courses and seminars, co-orient students. The PPGI-EA stimulates international publication and intense participation of its students in international mobility programs.