Universidade de São Paulo
Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
Ciências Agrárias
Doutorado;Mestrado Acadêmico

The graduate program in Applied Economics offers the Masters and Doctorate degrees in economics, with a focus on the quantitative analysis of economic problems. The course focus specially, but not exclusivelly, in topics related to agriculture, agroindustry and natural resources with their multiple conexions with the other areas of knowledge. 

Our research program includes topics such as agriculture, energy and natural resources; welfare economics; international economics; rural, urban and regional economics; tecnology, policy, finance and economic development. The program was created in 1966, and is one of the eldest graduate courses in economics in Brazil, with 602 graduated professionals up to the moment. The program offers 22 courses, and its faculty is composed by 17 professors, all of them advisers, and has been granted score 5 in the last CAPES national evaluation (2012).